Let’s Get Started!

Welcome to the Discovery Worship Audition page! First, we want to thank you for your interest in joining this ministry. We consider it an honor and privilege to lead our church in worship every weekend and we are excited about the possibility of you joining our team.

Right now we are actively looking to fill several BAND and VOCAL positions on our teams. Our audition process is very simple and can be explained in this quick step by step process. 

First, you will find a digital form to be completed below, that will give us some personal information, your availability for rehearsals, services, and events, as well as what instruments you would like to audition for. 

Next, you will also see an audition song list with specific songs for each instrument. Record a video, unedited and uncut, of you playing each specified song in full. Make sure that your instrument can clearly been seen and heard. 

Once recorded, you can include a YouTube or Vimeo link in the spaces provided on this page, or you may email a compressed video file to Matt Ward, our Music Director, at mward@discoveryokc.org.

Thanks again for your interest in doing the Discovery Worship team and we are looking forward to your audition!

Audition Materials

Submission Form

Please fill out the information below and attach the URLs to your Youtube or Vimeo clips. If you did not upload your auditions to those sites, simply email a compressed video to mward@discoveryokc.org.